Saturday, August 9, 2008

Playground World, Chesterland, OH

What: The indoor showroom for Rainbow Play Systems on Mayfield Road in Chesterland.
When: Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 10-11, kids can play free on all the equipment in the showroom.
What's good: Well, it's try before you buy, which we're not doing, because our yard is too small. However, I thought it would be good for the girls to have some climbing time, because it looked like rain. Everything is well built, of course, lots to do, swings, climbing, an enclosed trampoline, playhouses, some Step 2 stuff for toddlers, pretend play in the back.
What's bad: What's bad is the droves of middle schoolers who showed up at 10:15 and were completely unsupervised by their so called parents, who sat and drank coffee while their progeny ran over little kids and refused to take turns on anything. One kid had been in the trampoline for about 10 minutes. Ellie was freaking out because she had waited very patiently and kept saying, It's time for a turn! I said to him, Hey bud, why don't you finish your turn so someone else can go? At which point he smirked and said, You're not my mom. Well, there it is. We left at 10:30 and went to a park.
Grade: A for equipment, F for overall useability and sanity. Until the big kids are back in school, we won't go near it.

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