Sunday, July 27, 2008

Denison Park, Cleveland Heights, OH

WHAT: Denison Park, 1015 Quarry Road (accessible from Monticello Blvd. to the north)
What's good: Fresh wood chips. Huge climber with lots of "to do's" on it--slides, bridges, a little rock wall. Good swings. Fenced. Parking is ample and shaded...good for hiding that quick diaper change, plus the car isn't boiling when you load the kids back in.
What's bad: Again, not a tree in sight. Bring the sunscreen. Also, you have to go around the whole fenced area to negotiate the gate, which, when you've got a buggy and a toddler, can be tricky if your three year old pulls a Ghandi and moves towards passive resistance.
Grade: B+

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